Home & 115+/- Acres - Grover Pyles Estate - 3456 West Saloma Road Campbellsville, KY

Preview Starts and Ends

REAL ESTATE Inspection:  The land can be inspected daily at your leisure.  The house will be shown by appointment with the auctioneers.  Call 270-465-7051 or attend open inspection Wednesday, July 17, from 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M.  Your inspection is invited and appreciated!  Plats, and additional pictures are available at our office or online at www.kesslerauction.com.  Click on this auction then documents.  The auctioneers are available to answer questions by calling  270-465-7051. 


SATURDAY,  JULY  27,  2024  -  10:00  A.M.


3456  West  Saloma  Road,  Campbellsville,  KY


Farm  Fronts  On  Both  Sides  Of  Ky  Highway  744  (West  Saloma  Road)  -  Auction  Signs  Posted !

A Great  Land  Buying Opportunity !


115 +/-  ACRES  -  9  TRACTS

Double  Blacktop  Road  Frontage

3  Bedroom  Ranch  House  w/Basement  Barns  &  Tool  Shed

Acreage  Tracts  -  Homesites  -  Farm  Land





THE GROVER  PYLES  FARM:  115 +/- Acres (new survey underway)   fronting on both sides of West Saloma Road (Kentucky Highway 744).  This farm consists of crop land and pasture land.  The Taylor County FSA office shows the farm with 116 acres of farm land and 95 acres of crop land.  The farm has several ponds and springs on each side of the road for ample livestock water with public water available.  The farm is      improved with: HOUSE: A brick ranch house containing 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, eat in kitchen with built in oven and range, a bonus room and an unfinished walkout basement, central H/A, and an attached carport.  BARNS &  GRAIN  BIN:  (1) A combination barn approximately 72’ X 74’ with concrete floor and attached shed.  (2) A metal sided barn approximately 30’ X 48’.  (3) A grain bin with fan.  (4)  A metal sided barn.  (5) A tool shed approximately 20’ X 40’ plus attached shed.  (6) A combination barn approximately 60’ X 74’ which includes an attached shed. 


RESTRICTIONS:  No junk yards or salvage yards.  Any manufactured homes (single or double wide) must be on a permanent foundation with concrete or concrete block skirting and must be no older than 3 years old at the time of placement on the property. 


REAL ESTATE Inspection:  The land can be inspected daily at your leisure.  The house will be shown by appointment with the auctioneers.  Call 270-465-7051 or attend open inspection Wednesday, July 17, from 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M.  Your inspection is invited and appreciated!  Plats, and additional pictures are available at our office or online at www.kesslerauction.com.  Click on this auction then documents.  The auctioneers are available to answer questions by calling  270-465-7051. 


This  Is  A  Live  Onsite  Auction !

Plats and additional pictures are available online at www.kesslerauction.com.  Click on this auction then documents. 

The auctioneers are available to answer questions by calling  270-465-7051. 


Auctioneers Note:  This is a “Great Land Buying Opportunity” for you to own all or a portion of this property.  A part of this property has been owned and farmed by the Pyles family for more than 70 years.  Grover purchased the farm from his father and mother and later purchased some adjoining land.  Grover left his mark on this property by keeping it in a high state of productivity and maintaining all of his buildings.  If you are in the market for a home, home site, farm, investment property, or looking to expand your current farming operation, this could be the perfect place for you.  We invite you to look this property over before the auction, make any arrangements or inspections necessary and come prepared to BID & BUY, Saturday, July 27, 2024  at 10AM.  Make plans to attend this auction and bring a friend.  We'll see you there!   John  and  John Wayne Kessler. 

Terms: Real Estate:  10% of purchase price day of auction (a personal check with ID, cash, or cashier check), along with the signing of a Real Estate Sales and Purchase Contract and Lead Based Paint Waiver.  The balance due with delivery of deed on or before August 30, 2024.   Note:  A 10% Buyers Premium will be added to all winning bids on the real estate to determine the final sales and purchase price.  ALL BUYERS NOT KNOWN BY KESSLER AUCTION & REALTY CO. MUST HAVE A BANK LETTER OF GUARANTEE ADDRESSED TO KESSLER AUCTION & REALTY CO. OR CERTIFIED FUNDS. Notice: Any announcement made by the auctioneer from the auction block on the day of sale will take precedence over any printed material or oral statement.  In an auction sale, all property is sold As Is, Where Is with NO warranty expressed or implied by the sellers or auction   company.  The information in this ad is believed to be correct but is not guaranteed.  It is the responsibility of each potential bidder to make their own inspections or investigations and to bid on their judgment of value.  The real   estate is available daily by appointment with the Auction Company prior to the auction to make or have made on your behalf any inspections you choose including lead based paint.


Grover Pyles Estate, Owners   -   Dean Pyles, Executor  -  Angie Call,  Attorney



For  auction  information  contact:

John  M.  Kessler,  PRINCIPAL  Real  estate   Broker  &  Auctioneer

John  WAYNE  Kessler,  real  estate  Broker  &  Auctioneer

www.kesslerauction.com       270 - 465 - 7051

3456 West Saloma Road, Campbellsville, Kentucky, 42718