Graybeal Family Farms, LLC Auction - Saturday, July 29, 2023 10am - 12.3 +/- Acres in 5 Tracts

Graybeal Family Farms, LLC Auction - Saturday, July 29, 2023 10am - 12.3 +/- Acres in 5 Tracts



SATURDAY,  JULY  29,  2023  -  10:00  A.M.

Graybeal  Family  Farms,  LLC

Palestine  Road  &  New  Lebanon  Road,  CAMPBELLSVILLE, KY

Located  At  The  Intersection  Of  Palestine  Road  &  New  Lebanon  Road.   Auction  Signs  Posted !


12.30 +/-  ACRES


12.30 +/-  ACRES  -  SELLING   IN  5   TRACTS  FROM  2.10  ACRES  TO  2.90  ACRES



 REAL ESTATE: 12.30 +/- acres (new survey underway).  All tracts front on a Private Roadway  Easement with direct access off of Palestine Road and a shared entrance off of New Lebanon Road.  Tracts range in size from 2.10 m/l acres to 2.90 m/l acres.  This property is suitable for many uses with development potential.  REAL ESTATE INSPECTION:  The land can be inspected daily at your leisure.  The auctioneers are available to answer questions at anytime.  Call 270-465-7051.  Your inspection is invited and appreciated. 


RESTRICTIONS:  NO single or double wide manufactured homes. No modular homes. No trailers, campers or storage buildings used as a residence.  No  commercial salvage yards. No junk yards.  No salvage yards.  No sawmills or log yards. Any homes must be stick built – built on site only.  Any homes constructed must contain a minimum of 1,500 square feet on the main above ground level excluding any garages and houses constructed being multi story must have a minimum of 1,200 square feet on the main above ground level excluding any garages.  Duplexes or other multi family housing is allowed but each unit must contain 1,000 sq ft of living space on the main level.  Any houses, duplexes or other housing built must have brick, stone or vinyl siding.  Barn type houses are allowed with colored metal siding.  If any part of a barn type house is used as a business, then 70% of the building must be used as living space.  No confinement cattle / livestock feed lots or feed yards.  No swine.  No confinement hog, chicken, turkey, or any other type of confinement houses.  All tracks shall be considered for agriculture, residential or business use.  Any commercial type building built must have brick, block, vinyl or colored metal siding.  Any changes will be announced at the auction.


AuctioneerS Note:  If you are in the market for an acreage tract, mini farm, home site, business site or investment property, we have what may be the perfect place for you.  This property sells at absolute auction, where you, the buyer, will determine the price.  We invite you to look this property over before the auction, make any arrangements or inspections necessary and come     prepared to BID & BUY, Saturday, July 29  at 10:00 A.M.  The auction will be conducted on site.  We’ll see you there!  John M. Kessler & John Wayne Kessler. Visit our website for additional     pictures:  


TERMS: real estate:  10% of purchase price day of auction (a personal check with ID, cash, or cashier check), along with the signing of a Real Estate Sales and Purchase Contract and Lead Based Paint  Waiver.  The balance due with delivery of deed on or before September 13, 2023.   Note:  A 10% Buyers Premium will be added to the winning bid on the real estate to determine the final sales and purchase price.  ALL BUYERS NOT KNOWN BY KESSLER AUCTION & REALTY CO. MUST HAVE A BANK LETTER OF GUARANTEE ADDRESSED TO KESSLER AUCTION & REALTY CO. OR CERTIFIED FUNDS.  Notice:  Any announcement made by the auctioneer from the auction block on the day of sale will take precedence over any printed material or oral statement.  In an auction sale, all property is sold As Is, Where Is with NO warranty expressed or implied by the sellers or auction company.  The  information in this ad is believed to be correct but is not guaranteed.  It is the responsibility of each potential bidder to make their own inspections or investigations and to bid on their judgment of value.  The real estate is available daily by appointment with the  Auction Company prior to the auction to make or have made on your behalf any inspections you choose.


for  auction  information  contact:

John  M.  Kessler,  PRINCIPAL  Real  estate   Broker  &  Auctioneer

John  WAYNE  Kessler,  real  estate  Broker  &  Auctioneer   270 - 465 - 7051


New Lebanon Road, Palestine Road, Campbellsville, Kentucky 42718
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12.3 Acres +/- in 5 Tracts
Lot 1: 12.3 Acres +/- in 5 Tracts
Winning Bidder:z****m
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