Duplex & Lot - 100, 104 De Chaunac Cir, Campbellsville KY

Start Time:11/9/2024 3:00:00 PM
Bid Count:1
Winning Bidder:
Starting Bid:$1.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Current Bid:$165,000.00
Bidding disabled


SAT.,   NOV.,  9,  2024  -  10:00  A.M.

Rebecca  Mann  Estate & The  Late  Dr. W. R. Mann



Auction Conducted On Farm #1, Milder Creek Road,  Campbellsville, KY

From Campbellsville, Follow Ky Highway 55 South (New Columbia Road) And Turn Onto Milder Creek Road At The Ireland Community Center, Then Follow To Farm #1.  Farm #1 Will Be On The Left Hand Side And Farm #2 Is On The Right Hand Side.

Auction Signs Posted !



  Duplex   Lot

100,  &  104  De Chaunac Circle, Campbellsville, Ky.

Follow Ky Highway 210, Turn Onto Arbor Lane And Follow To De Chaunac Circle.  Auction Signs Posted !

 Duplex & lot located at 100 and 104 De Chaunac Circle, Campbellsville, KY.  This duplex was build in 1989 and it is brick sided with a shingle roof, and located in the Vintage Village Subdivision.  The lot is described as being 100’ X 163’ X 125’ X 185’ per deed and plat of record.  Each unit has 2 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, living room, and kitchen, which includes a range, refrigerator, and built in dishwasher.  Each unit has separate utilities with gas heat and central air.  The unit located on the right side does have a metal detached storage  building.  This unit also had some flooring replaced approximately 3 years ago.  One unit is  currently rented and the other unit is currently vacant.  Inspection:  Available units will be open for inspection Friday, November 1 from 11:00 A.M. to 12 Noon.  The empty unit can be showed by appointment with the auctioneers.  Your inspection is invited and appreciated. 



Terms: Real Estate:  10% of purchase price day of auction (a personal check with ID, cash, or cashier check), along with the signing of a Real Estate Sales and Purchase Contract.  The balance due with delivery of deed on or before December 23, 2024.   Note:  A 10% Buyers Premium will be added to all winning bids on the real estate to determine the final sales and purchase price.  ALL BUYERS NOT KNOWN BY KESSLER AUCTION & REALTY CO. MUST HAVE A BANK LETTER OF GUARANTEE ADDRESSED TO KESSLER AUCTION & REALTY CO. OR CERTIFIED FUNDS. Notice: Any    announcement made by the auctioneer from the auction block on the day of sale will take precedence over any printed material or oral statement.  In an auction sale, all property is sold As Is, Where Is with NO warranty expressed or implied by the sellers or auction company.  The information in this ad is believed to be correct but is not guaranteed.  It is the responsibility of each potential bidder to make their own inspections or investigations and to bid on their judgment of value.  The real estate is available daily by appointment with the Auction Company prior to the auction to make or have made on your behalf any inspections you choose.


Auctioneers Note:  This is a “Great Real Estate Buying Opportunity” for you to own all or a portion of this property.   If you are in the market for investment    property, or a home site, a farm, or looking to expand your current farming operation, this could be the perfect place for you.  We invite you to look this property over before the auction, make any arrangements or inspections necessary and come prepared to BID & BUY, Saturday, November 9, 2024 at 10AM. 


Make plans to attend this auction and bring a friend.  We'll see you there!   John  and  John Wayne Kessler. 

For  Plats, &  Additional Pictures, Visit Our Website:  www.kesslerauction.com




Auction Conducted On Farm #1, Milder Creek Road,  Campbellsville, KY

From Campbellsville, Follow Ky Highway 55 South (New Columbia Road) And Turn Onto Milder Creek Road At The Ireland Community Center, Then Follow To Farm #1.  Farm #1 Will Be On The Left Hand Side And Farm #2 Is On The Right Hand Side.

No donations for this lot


SAT.,   NOV.,  9,  2024  -  10:00  A.M.

Rebecca  Mann  Estate & The  Late  Dr. W. R. Mann



Auction Conducted On Farm #1, Milder Creek Road,  Campbellsville, KY

From Campbellsville, Follow Ky Highway 55 South (New Columbia Road) And Turn Onto Milder Creek Road At The Ireland Community Center, Then Follow To Farm #1.  Farm #1 Will Be On The Left Hand Side And Farm #2 Is On The Right Hand Side.

Auction Signs Posted !



 Triplex  &  Lot

113,  115,  &  117  Roberta  Court,  Campbellsville, Ky.

From Campbellsville, Follow Old Lebanon Road,  Turn Onto Stevens Court And Follow To Lamanda Lane And Then Turn Onto Roberta Court.   Auction Signs Posted !

 Triplex & 0.3633 acre lot located at 113, 115, & 117 Roberta Court, Campbellsville, KY.  Improved with a brick/vinyl triplex with shingle roof.  This triplex was built new in 2004.  Each unit of the triplex contains 2 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, and a small utility room.  Each unit has all    electric central heat and air and separate utilities.  The unit located at 117     Roberta Court has a 1 car attached carport.  The other two units have a rear deck.  Unit 113 and Unit 115 both had some new flooring replaced approximately 5 years ago.  Each unit does have a range and refrigerator that stay with the unit.  All three units are currently rented.  Inspection:  Available units will be open for inspection Friday,  November 1 from 11:00 A.M. to 12 Noon.  Units may be showed other times by appointment and at the convenience of tenants.  Your inspection is invited and appreciated.  The auctioneers do have inside pictures available on the units. 



  Duplex   Lot

100,  &  104  De Chaunac Circle, Campbellsville, Ky.

Follow Ky Highway 210, Turn Onto Arbor Lane And Follow To De Chaunac Circle.  Auction Signs Posted !

 Duplex & lot located at 100 and 104 De Chaunac Circle, Campbellsville, KY.  This duplex was build in 1989 and it is brick sided with a shingle roof, and located in the Vintage Village Subdivision.  The lot is described as being 100’ X 163’ X 125’ X 185’ per deed and plat of record.  Each unit has 2 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, living room, and kitchen, which includes a range, refrigerator, and built in dishwasher.  Each unit has separate utilities with gas heat and central air.  The unit located on the right side does have a metal detached storage  building.  This unit also had some flooring replaced approximately 3 years ago.  One unit is  currently rented and the other unit is currently vacant.  Inspection:  Available units will be open for inspection Friday, November 1 from 11:00 A.M. to 12 Noon.  The empty unit can be showed by appointment with the auctioneers.  Your inspection is invited and appreciated. 



 Farm  #1:  51 +/-  Acres 

Milder  Creek  Road,  Campbellsville,  Ky.

Real  Estate  Offered  In  5  Tracts  With  The  Right  Reserved  To  Group.  Buy  1  Tract,  Combination  Of  Tracts, Or  As  A  Whole  Using  Our  Computer  Run  Multi-Par  System


From Campbellsville, Follow Ky Highway 55 South (New Columbia Road) And Turn Onto Milder Creek Road At The Ireland Community Center, Then Follow To Farm #1.  Farm #1 Will Be On The Left Hand Side Of The Road.   Auction Signs Posted !

 51 +/- Acres (new survey underway) fronting on Milder Creek Road.  This farm consists of both open land and wood land.  There are no improvements.  RESTRICTIONS:  No junk yards or salvage yards.  No saw mills or log yards.  No single wide manufactured homes.  Double wide manufactured homes must be on a permanent foundation with concrete or concrete block skirting and must be no older than 3 years old at the time of placement on the property. 

 REAL ESTATE Inspection:  The land can be inspected daily at your leisure.  Your inspection is invited and appreciated!  Plats, and additional pictures are available at our office or online at www.kesslerauction.com.  Click on this auction then documents.  The auctioneers are available to answer questions by calling  270-465-7051.  

TRACT #1: 15.00 +/- acres.  Mostly open land.

TRACT #2: 12.10 +/- acres.  Mostly wooded.

TRACT #3:  18.80 +/- acres.  Mostly open land. 

TRACT #4:  2.70 +/- acres.  All open land.  Nice building site. 

TRACT #5:  3.00 +/- acres. Open and wood land.  Nice building site. 



Farm  #2:  165 +/-  Acres 

Milder  Creek  Road,  Campbellsville,  Ky.

Real  Estate  Offered  In  8  Tracts  With  The  Right  Reserved  To  Group.  Buy  1  Tract,  Combination  Of  Tracts, Or  As  A  Whole  Using  Our  Computer  Run  Multi-Par  System

 From Campbellsville, Follow Ky Highway 55 South (New Columbia Road) And Turn Onto Milder Creek Road At The Ireland Community Center, Then Follow To Farm #2.  Farm #2 Will Be On The Right Hand Side Of The Road.   Auction Signs Posted !

 165 +/- Acres (new survey underway) fronting on Milder Creek Road and on A Goins Road.  This farm consists of open land and some wood land.  The farm has several ponds for livestock.  The farm is improved with a silo, feed shed and a barn.    RESTRICTIONS:  No junk yards or salvage yards.  No saw mills or log yards.  No single wide manufactured homes.  Double wide manufactured homes must be on a permanent foundation with concrete or concrete block skirting and must be no older than 3 years old at the time of placement on the      property. 

REAL ESTATE Inspection:  The land can be inspected daily at your leisure.  Your inspection is invited and appreciated!  Plats, and additional pictures are available at our office or online at www.kesslerauction.com.  Click on this  auction then documents.  The auctioneers are available to answer  questions by calling         270-465-7051. 

 TRACT #6: 13.50 +/- acres.  Open land with scattered woods & barn.

TRACT #7: 10.20 +/- acres.  Open land with scattered woods.

TRACT #8:  5.00 +/- acres.  Open & wood land with silo & feed shed.

TRACT #9:  5.00 +/- acres.  Mostly open land. 

TRACT #10: 27.90 +/- acres.  Open  & wood land with a pond.

TRACT #11: 40.30 +/- acres.  Open land with scattered woods.

TRACT #12:  26.20 +/- acres.  Open & wood land.  

TRACT #13:  37.40 +/- acres.  Open  & wood land with a pond.   


TRACTS #9, #10, #11, #12 & #13  FRONT  ON  A GOINS  ROAD.



Terms: Real Estate:  10% of purchase price day of auction (a personal check with ID, cash, or cashier check), along with the signing of a Real Estate Sales and Purchase Contract.  The balance due with delivery of deed on or before December 23, 2024.   Note:  A 10% Buyers Premium will be added to all winning bids on the real estate to determine the final sales and purchase price.  ALL BUYERS NOT KNOWN BY KESSLER AUCTION & REALTY CO. MUST HAVE A BANK LETTER OF GUARANTEE ADDRESSED TO KESSLER AUCTION & REALTY CO. OR CERTIFIED FUNDS. Notice: Any announcement made by the auctioneer from the auction block on the day of sale will take precedence over any printed material or oral statement.  In an auction sale, all property is sold As Is, Where Is with NO warranty expressed or implied by the sellers or auction company.  The information in this ad is believed to be correct but is not guaranteed.  It is the responsibility of each potential bidder to make their own inspections or investigations and to bid on their judgment of value.  The real estate is available daily by appointment with the Auction Company prior to the auction to make or have made on your behalf any inspections you choose.


Auctioneers Note:  This is a “Great Real Estate Buying Opportunity” for you to own all or a portion of this property.   If you are in the market for investment    property, or a home site, a farm, or looking to expand your current farming operation, this could be the perfect place for you.  We invite you to look this property over before the auction, make any arrangements or inspections necessary and come prepared to BID & BUY, Saturday, November 9, 2024  at 10AM. 


Make plans to attend this auction and bring a friend.  We'll see you there!   John  and  John Wayne Kessler. 

For  Plats, &  Additional Pictures, Visit Our Website:  www.kesslerauction.com




Auction Conducted On Farm #1, Milder Creek Road,  Campbellsville, KY

From Campbellsville, Follow Ky Highway 55 South (New Columbia Road) And Turn Onto Milder Creek Road At The Ireland Community Center, Then Follow To Farm #1.  Farm #1 Will Be On The Left Hand Side And Farm #2 Is On The Right Hand Side.

Milder Creek Road
Campbellsville, Kentucky 42718
United States